
  • Core Team, Green Audit Cell, CVM



  • It is also an Environmental Audit or Assessment viz. Green Audit Cell, CVM, which audits the environmental sustainability and management of Departments / Institutions / Organizations / Companies.

  • Green Audit Cell of CVM has also signed MoU with Gujarat Cleaner Production Centre (GCPC), Estd. by Industries & Mines Department, Government of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, working in Cleaner Production (CP) and Cleaner Technologies (CT).

  • Green Audit Cell comprises One Coordinator, One Secretary, and Twelve (12) Members from various academic institutions of CVM, under Non-Academic Forum of CVM.

  • The Green Audit includes Processing, Assessment, and Certification.

  • Each Department / Institution / Organization / Company should have at least Three (3) Members Committee, headed by One Coordinator and Two Members as a Team of Green Audit Cell internally.

  • Green Audit Cell, CVM, charges a nominal fee (plus 18% GST) per Departments / Institutions / Organizations / Companies towards Green Audit.

  • Based on the verification of records, Green Audit Cell, CVM jointly with GCPC, Gandhinagar, issues a Certificate to the concerned Institutions / Organizations with Score, Rank, and Validity.

Note: The Green Audit Certificate is issued in collaboration with Gujarat Cleaner Production Center(GCPC), Department of Mines and Industries, Gujarat Government, Gandhinagar.



Shri P. B. Patel
Shri M. S. Patel
Vice - President
Shri H. J. Patel


Er. B. B. Patel

Dr. S. G. Patel
Hon. Secretary

Shri M. D. Patel
Hon. Jt. Sec.

Shri R. C. Talati
Hon. Jt. Sec.

Shri V. H. Patel
Hon. Jt. Sec.